Reports, report hrk, 16.11.2021

Benefits related to working time

2 min.

Benefits related to working time

Remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic and the execution of business tasks from home have contributed to a change in behaviors. It is true that after several months of the pandemic, we work in completely new ways in the office and at home, we have different habits and standards of work.

The implementation of employee benefits related to working time can bring many benefits to the organization. Employees particularly value the possibility of flexible working time, i.e. the performance of professional duties in the way that suits them best.

Currently, many employers are considering and planning the return of employees to offices. However, employees themselves have different opinions about working in a stationary model. This means that employers face the challenge of providing employees with comfort at work and attractive benefits, and thus remaining an attractive employer and retaining employees in the company. What benefits are attractive today, if e.g. sportscards, co-financing of training or participation in cultural events have lost their value? The answer is benefits related to working time.

We wish you a pleasant reading!

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