Mission and vision

We are experts with many years of experience in the field of HR consulting and digitization of HR processes.

Misja i wizja

We work in expert teams specializing in various sectors of the economy. Our consultants, thanks to their experience and commitment, provide the highest quality services and support management boards and human resource management teams.

Mission and vision strategy planning
Our mission

Talent is valued - we find, develop and care for talents.

Finding the right candidates is invaluable. Each recruitment project needs professional support, so that you can reach the best talents on the market. Our task is to make the sourcing of experts for the organization quick, efficient and cost-effective.

We support organizations in the processes of personnel and payroll administration – thanks to cooperation with our Payroll Consulting team, companies can be sure that the salaries of their employees will reach them on time.

We set directions for action, handle unconventional projects, and implement modern technologies and solutions that increase the efficiency of our work. We fully engage in the tasks performed and take responsibility for the results. We execute all projects with the utmost care.

person in red sweater
Our vision

We want to be a leading and valued advisor in human capital management.

We maintain high standards in our daily work. We are loyal and respectful to our clients, candidates, business partners and associates. People are the essence of our business.

We support each other in the implementation of projects and raising our competences. We are involved in the development of our firm and care about its market position and image. We attach importance to the consistency of external and internal communication, because we know that a good employer is best proven by satisfied teams.

Our values

The experience of our consultants is a guarantee of knowledge and quality. The experts working at HRK are crucial for the quality of services we offer to our clients. That is why we care about their continuous development.

Our strength lies in the values on which we base our everyday functioning:

  • Respect

  • Engagement

  • Professionalism

  • Innovation

  • Cooperation

Newsletter HRK

Bądź na bieżąco z aktualnościami ze świata HR i rynku pracy!

Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, pl. Bankowy 2, a tym samym na otrzymywanie na mój adres poczty elektronicznej informacji handlowych i marketingowych, materiałów o charakterze informacyjnym oraz promocyjnym, w szczególności raportów, e-booków, materiałów edukacyjnych. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania raportu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że w każdej chwili mogę wycofać swoją zgodę.

Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.