
The HRK e-Commerce team specializes in conducting recruitment projects in the e-commerce sector.

E-commerce specialists
We work with people and for people
The HRK e-Commerce team was created in response to the dynamically developing new e-technologies, and thus the growth in the area of e-commerce.

We carry out recruitment processes for high-class specialists, e.g. in the fields of new media, fashion, advertising and marketing.
HRK e-Commerce in numbers

Are you looking for a job in the e-Commerce industry?
Check current offers.

View current offers
We know the mechanisms of the market
We constantly follow market trends and perfectly understand the business needs of clients, from international corporations to emerging start-ups and local enterprises.

We know how and where to look for experienced candidates who will excel in their roles. We know the work culture and competencies valued in the industry, which enables us to better support our clients and candidates in recruitment processes.

On behalf of our clients, we have filled, among others, the following positions:

  • e-Commerce Director
  • e-Commerce Manager
  • Digital Manager
  • Online Marketing Manager
  • Performance Manager
  • CRM Manager
  • Social Media Manger
  • SEO/ SEM Specialist
  • UX/ UI Designer
  • CRM Analyst

Are you looking for new challenges? Check what recruitments we are currently conducting!

Current job offers

Trust our experience

Our recruiters know perfectly well the business needs of our clients, as well as their requirements regarding candidates in the area of e-Commerce. Our team consists of people with many years of experience in advertising, marketing and e-Commerce departments, who are up to date with market trends.

e-commerce specialist

Team leader

Ewelina Kołodziej Władzińska Senior Executive Manager

Ewelina Kołodziej-Władzińska

Senior Executive Manager, HRK e-Commerce

HRK e-Commerce is a team that specializes in recruitment services for the e-commerce industry.

Recruitment process

Our recruitment process

  1. Candidate profile

    We create a candidate profile based on information obtained from the client

  2. Networking & Search

    We search for candidates who meet the requirements and verify their experience

  3. Shortlist presentation

    We select and present candidates who meet the client's expectations and are motivated to change jobs

  4. Meetings of candidates with the future employer

    Interviews with the client’s representatives

  5. Assessment Center

    In selected recruitment projects, it is possible to diagnose candidates' competences using an assessment center

  6. Submitting the offer to the successful candidate

    We support clients in the process of negotiations with the selected candidate

  7. Feedback to candidates engaged in the process

    After the process, we provide feedback to all candidates participating in the process

Know How

Read the articles
about recruitment

Read our reports, articles, watch our webinars.

Expectations of IT employees towards employers in Łódź

Case studies21.09.2023

See how we care about the quality of our services: Integrated Management System

Czytaj dalej
e-mobility of polish employees

report hrk, Reports12.05.2022

Employees e-mobility Poland

Czytaj dalej
e-Commerce Specialists

report hrk, Reports14.12.2023

e-Commerce Job Market. Preferences of the Employees.

Czytaj dalej

Let's talk

After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
Write to us
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Bądź na bieżąco z aktualnościami ze świata HR i rynku pracy!

Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, pl. Bankowy 2, a tym samym na otrzymywanie na mój adres poczty elektronicznej informacji handlowych i marketingowych, materiałów o charakterze informacyjnym oraz promocyjnym, w szczególności raportów, e-booków, materiałów edukacyjnych. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania raportu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że w każdej chwili mogę wycofać swoją zgodę.

Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.