Effective recruitment processes

Recruitment of high-class managers, experts and specialists.

konsultantki rekrutacyjne

Recruitment process

Our complex recruitment process allows us to select the right candidates

  1. Candidate profile

    We build a candidate profile based on information obtained from the client

  2. Networking & Search

    We source and verify the experience of candidates who meet the requirements in the process

  3. Shortlist presentation

    We present selected candidates who meet the client's expectations and are motivated to change jobs

  4. Meetings of candidates with the future employer

    Interviews with client's representatives

  5. Assessment Center

    In selected recruitment projects, it is possible to verify candidates' competences using an assessment center

  6. Submitting an offer to the successful candidate

    We support clients in the process of negotiations with the selected candidate

  7. Feedback to candidates engaged in the process

    After the process, we provide feedback to all candidates participating in the process

We build effective teams

Discovering a new team member who not only possesses the necessary skills but also seamlessly integrates with the team's culture is an invaluable. However, achieving this goal demands a deep understanding of the industry in which the company operates and a keen awareness of candidate expectations. Our team of recruitment and assessment experts is dedicated to assisting clients in making optimal hiring decisions. Our approach is rooted in:
  • Understanding the needs of our clients
  • Engagement of experts specializing in recruitment in 16 industries
  • Constant monitoring of the industry labor market
  • Extensive database of candidates (over 450.000 CVs!)
  • Let's talk about cooperation

    We are a market leader with many years of experience

    Our branches

    Our main office is located in Warsaw, but we serve clients throughout Poland as we maintain branches in Poznań, Katowice, Wrocław, Kraków, Łódź and Sopot.


    Let's talk

    After receiving your inquiry, our expert responsible for the area you are interested in will contact you.
    Write to us
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    Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, pl. Bankowy 2, a tym samym na otrzymywanie na mój adres poczty elektronicznej informacji handlowych i marketingowych, materiałów o charakterze informacyjnym oraz promocyjnym, w szczególności raportów, e-booków, materiałów edukacyjnych. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania raportu. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że w każdej chwili mogę wycofać swoją zgodę.

    Administratorem przekazanych danych osobowych jest HRK S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-095), Plac Bankowy 2. Pełną informacje na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności.